Monday 10 April 2017

Phuket - South Island Cruise

Something of a misnomer as no sailing was involved!  However the coach trip was interesting and Phuket is a great place.  It's hard to believe that all the bars and shops were wiped out by the Tsunami in 2004.

The wiring is an electrician's nightmare!

Safety doesn't seem to be an issue here!

The Chinese Temple

 Every few minutes fireworks were let off in this structure, frightened the life out of me!

The extremely beautiful Bhuddist temple which I much preferred to the Chinese one.

Pictures of the King appear everywhere and he is highly revered by the people as he has set up health care centres for people living in remote areas, has initiated projects to improve the children's education and also has a keen interest in agriculture.

There are many shrines to Bhudda in the shops and houses.

This is presumably where they buy their shrines!

A Thai garden centre especially for Stevie.

The coach dropped us back to the beach so we took the time to have a cold beer in a local bar and a look around the shops before the heavens opened and we had an almighty downpour.  I decided I didn't want to wait until it stopped (could've been an age) so we headed back to the pier to get the tender back to the ship, suitably soaked through!


  1. Beautiful! I love Thailand and the people are so gentle aren't they?

    You managed not to hug the Buddha I hope .. Suex

    1. They are lovely. I so wanted to hug the Bhudda, he's so much friendlier than the Chinese one.

  2. Some great photos, i love the blue gates and pineapple x
